
The field of innovation is varied

Crop protection is changing. Science remains the essential component that must structure this change. Nevertheless, the implementation of innovative and combined methods depends on a strong collective dynamic.

Multiple actors, players and solutions: The webzine project called Pluriel emerged from this wealth. Through reports and interviews, we will hear from those engaged in experimenting, advising, assisting and farming. Anxious to share their innovative work and know-how and driven by a spirit of co-construction, they embody the models of sustainable agriculture. These agricultural models reduce their environmental footprint while ensuring the quality and volume of food production.

Stakeholders in agricultural sectors and rural areas, researchers, students, teachers, elected representatives, partners of the agricultural world, opinion leaders …, the webzine Pluriel is for you.

We hope you enjoy the articles.

Emmanuelle Pabolleta

General manager of Phyteis